23 January 2013


For Clara:

i have no great pearls of wisdom to
spill out as gifts for your arrival and
i have no special proverb to give to
carry you bright-eyed and blameless
through this chaotic world  but ,

my wish for you is not a safe, boring, life
but one populated with the burdens of
your own choosing, some perhaps un-
foreseen,  but all naturally developing
along your road of bending slopes and
aspiring blooms as you build bone by bone,
sinew by sinew into the finest weave
this earth has known.

and when at last your path breaks up-
on the shoreline of an unspeakably
vast ocean, the terrain will meet your
steps with poetry and conviction and
you will be well-prepared to taste the
tang of the surf that will bear you
breathless into your next adventure.

JANEisnotplain 01232013

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