09 December 2010



some might think i am purposefully odd
because i sometimes assign num[b]er[s]ic 
concepts to letters. can i read your
digits? some nights i cant sleep. like

words are keeping me awake tonight.
all kinds of random words behaving
like cognizant quantum part[s]icles
and dancing outside of linear time.

they seem pointless yet interrelated.
death and depth are separated by one
phoneme. like tide and time. so close.
yet we pray for depth and whisper about

death. how would it feel? the texture of
words on my fingers. it seems too risky
to put one’s linguistic identity into an
arithmetic lexicon. its cliché. like

reincarnated rainbows transformed into
polygot integers that can only attempt
to describe chromatic iridescence. our
language is unstable. this is certain.

merging is now colliding. presence is now
absence. has a mathematical shift occurred
in linguistic process? could it be that this
gematria is a little bit correct?

some might think that i am irregular.
but it is not me that is falling apart.
i am actually connecting the dots one two
together. building [ ] mathematically.

JANEisnotplain 12.9.10

07 December 2010

art is sex

art is sex

this is foreplay. arousal stimulated by
flirtation of ideas and an exchange of
vulnerabilities in the language of pre-
verbal space.

i don’t have to speak again. i don’t
need to entertain at this moment. i
am intoxicated with the pitch, tone,
and composition of your rhythm.

violets tremble at the edge of glass
unbuttoning tongues and uncorking
breaths. lips wrap in throbbing lyrics.
fire alarms may sound.

don’t run. this is not a cliff it is a
platform. it is a very intellectually
intimate fucking of [  ] senses. it is
the vernacular over easy.

[ ] art is sex. it has volume and velocity.
like a sweet and sugary cereal on sunday.
it is surprising just how little control we
have over something so elemental to us.

these vagabond rendezvous are like
secrets between silences. casualties
between catastrophes. i relish these
strange moments of [   ].

i am uncoiled between temptation and
trouble. i wonder, darling, if rain turns
to thunder or if, there was lightening in
the middle of the day could you stand it?

you kiss [  ] incrementally and unfold
soft affirmations as if still willing to
lay all mistakes at shaking feet and
outstretched charge.

to my left is a teacup. to my right is a
crucifix. ahead are tangled branches.
my fingers follow lines and form words
your jeans are nice. i like your [h]ips.

JANEisnotplain 12.10

30 October 2010



safer than depth, an untouched morning
glances into quiet azure space actively
passively formed from pristine edges.

subject lines align with flower cusps
pregnant with the last night’s dew[y]
composure of young daylight.

a rinsed creed lifts projected daylight
onto a crowd of actors from a prior play;
an unnatural selection gathering fiction.

the tripod lasts beyond the photograph
but in the lens you can hear my memory
gaze, surrender and frame the sunrise.

JANEisnotplain 10.30.10
after Q Studios Halloween

19 October 2010



fall lies within the final sentence of the year’s paragraph
like the smoldering ash of a semicolon, or the flick of a pen.
one leaf in the mounds of leaves burns by the roadside like
the many letters of a lost lover, set ablaze by a waning sun.

if winter is the season of solitude then fall must therefore be
the lonliness that precedes it as in a season of proper longing,
wind blown confessions, silent penance and spring’s regrets.

fall is but punctuation in a beautifully tragic form as its days
grow shorter and collars instinctively turn themselves up toward
the brilliance of an orange sky abandoned now by sun sweetened
kisses and warm embraces.

the charred remains of summer with its forgotten words and
guilty pleasures turn now like colors. now shifting,now drifting,
now depleting themselves of affection until reaching the crisp
translucency of winter.

JANEisnotplain 10.17.10

03 June 2010

dear unexpected:

dear unexpected lover:

good morning beautiful. would you hold my hand?
spin me around on an emotional rollercoaster? drag
my face into the pavement, let my body swing into
anything and everything. break my bones and squeeze
me. twist and turn the way your emotions do. make
me scared. make me cry. you fucking bitch. then
leave me. nauseated. the ride is over. the ride is over.
oh thank god. this fucking ride is over.

do you wanna go again?

love,                                          JANEisnotplain 6.10

15 May 2010

unlocking JANE

unlocking Jane

lately the words in my head
have been very loud. banging
sometimes without any rhythm.
sometimes to my pulse, my
lust. but i am all in my [head].

my words are constantly chattering.
often they awaken me to my Self
having a heated conversation with
Self answering my own questions
about colors, conundrums, and the
uselessness of  sentence structure.

individually they are each only
words. tiny, miniscule capsules
of expressions that i re-use, re-
think, re-cycle, re-call, re-order,
into thoughts, breaths, and ideas.
compressed into columns  and
constructs on notion bound pages.

they want to build new stories,
these words. they come at me.
all with hidden agendas, thoughts,
wants,and needs. they are tortured,
enunciated, played out, stacked up
but still trying most desperately to
conjugate a new sentence or to
complete a smile.

i use words. not legs to seduce.  hard
bound shapely words like [anticipation].
to expose doors and open windows wide
to confess that this is what i want is my
words to make you feel my thoughts my
touch. i am more than black ink on white

i carry my words close as if i may
need them any moment, day ,hour,
minute, second, if we all fall down.
and i draw the delusional curtains and
sing private lullabies under the guise of
infinite and the definition of  struggle.

i hope no one notices that. i am these
words. raw. chaotic. complex. kinetic.
superfluous. scribbled. even beautiful.
sometimes running on from  sentences
and metaphors. slight in frame. distorted
in look they pour out undefined. unlabled.

JANEisnotplain 5.15.10 

17 April 2010

happy birthday: for maria

happy birthday

another year closes on the world
like an hour, like a second and
something momentous WILL occur
with the stroke of the hour hand
like reaching the pinnacle of
a sand dune in the sahara

For maria andersson on her 28th birthday

12 April 2010



down on one knee i
pull up handfuls of
wet grass.   i push
it and squeeze it be
-tween my fingers
in the hope that a
surprise will emerge

perhaps a secret from
a colorful cosmos now
buried deep beneath
my feet pleading to be
set free to find the sun-
shine and the spring

down on one knee i
am telling myself that
it’s a rather slippery
slope this searching
sort of thing but i dig
on through the winter
scars toward a fragile

JANEisnotplain  4.10.10

15 February 2010

self portrait # 37: perspective

photo also JANEisnotplain

this is what it is like to be alone.
squinting fingers hang on near ledges
uncertainty stares up at me like old times
nothing whispers over fallen shoulders
i feel liberated and possible.

JANEisnotplain 2.15.10

19 January 2010



i keep a laundry list
of things to be done
before i am the person
that i want to be.

things like eat less,
drink more water,
become a vegetarian,
pay my taxes on time,
donate a pint of blood,
finish the crossword,
cure [stupidity] cancer
write something profound.

i wonder if you
can tell that i am
working on myself
but not for you?

i keep a laundry list
of things most people
worry about but with
only a few things
crossed off.

when i reach the bottom
i will have only one
more task to fulfill.


JANEisnotplain 1.10

02 January 2010



there are snowflakes as big as my heart and
they catch as globs in angry jealous winds
naked souls dancing through tree tops quivering
frozen in soft kisses around cold little feet
currently vulnerable waiting for warm hands
to defrost my fragile chest gently sneaking
through my window there is beauty. there is
wonder. there is faith. there are snowflakes.

1.2.10 am

01 January 2010

driving insanity until dawn

0745am 2010: driving insanity until dawn

i am at a borderline.// my personality meets me halfway.// but i am still Myself.//

i am at that /place where thoughts grow/ragged/and bending light/shifts through

words creating spaces.//

if i were to leave this space.// if i were to disappear into .//  broken atmospheres/

of the past/ of the future/ of the present/ crossing.// between/blurred boundaries

and textured contours?//

space is an illusion of/ depth and movement.// and my left foot is racing my right.// in horizontal timed rhymes/but i am still Myself.// standing with this disorder/ in order.//

i am an intersection/of zeros and ones/ at a border a/ cross between/ my life lines and sky lines.// but i am still Myself.//i am driving insanity/ toward the sunrise.//  released.//


begun on 12/28/09, finished 1/1/10 at 0745am on carroll st.