infinite illusion
the basis for all measurement = relativity
the basis for all measurement = relativity
(and) (is)
energy + mass = absolute relativity
absolute relativity = a relative moment
(is) (and)
a relative moment = time + space
(and) (and)
time + space = form + substance
(and) (is) (reality)
form + substance = a relative illusion
absolute relativity = a relative moment
(is) (and)
a relative moment = time + space
(and) (and)
time + space = form + substance
(and) (is) (reality)
form + substance = a relative illusion
we can imagine and believe that
these equations answer all of our questions
why and how, when and where
even what but,
there is no objective reality
it has been completely, discretely displaced
by many layers of deception
that is nothing more than misconception
or in reality, an infinite illusion
JANEisnotplain 1.08