22 September 2005

orgami 9/22/05

i have folded in half
again i am in quarters
and eighths and
small dissections of
a never complete whole
i am fractional orgami

copy write JANE'05

21 September 2005

randomn burning man thought # 54

happiness is burning, passionate, snapshots,tripping stoplights
wearing a pea green clwon shirt and waiting on the bottom step
for sunday.

19 September 2005


unselfish love cannont rest perfectly
except in a love that is perfectly
reciprocated because it knows
that the only true peace is
found in selfless love

therefore, selfless love consents
to being loved selflessly for
the sake of the beloved
and in doing so it perfects itself

love equals the power and capacity
and therefore to give away
love is to give love
with full effect is
to only receive it

love can therefore only be
kept by being given away
and can only be perfectly
given when received

copy write JANE'05

14 September 2005

untitled 9/13/05

thoughts upon
masonite slip
on hard wood
crack open
the vault
bleed onto
thread fine
lines fined
themselves occupied
and i

copy write JANE'05